Field Research Anaesthetic Machine – Fram
If you are independent or Government research organisation that requires a “Waterproof, Dustproof, Compact anaesthetic machine, FRAM is for you.…
Sleep Safe Anaesthetic Machine – Incorporating Nitrous Oxide & Oxygen
Nitrous Oxide has many desirable properties including: Low blood solubility Limited cardiovascular and respiratory depression Minimal Toxicity Nitrous Oxide is…
Sleep Safe Anaesthetic Machine – Mobile
Features: Ample shelf space .1-10LPM flow meter Generous oxygen flush capacity Selectatec or Cagemount Lightweight 5% Isoflurane vaporiser(optional) Supplied with:…
Sleep Safe Anaesthetic Machine – Table Top
The Sleep Safe is one of the most popular anaesthetic machines in Australia today. Its unique functionality makes it a…
Sleep Safe Anaesthetic Machine – Wall Mount
The Miden wall mount machine is the ideal machine for those areas in the surgery that have real space constraints.…